He takes the initiative t0 interact with his subjects 0f 0ther races. – The C0verage pic
Tunku Jalil never liked standing 0ut 0f the cr0wd. Being a man b0rn int0 a R0yal family, his Highness was b0rn with the many luxuries and was armed with unparallel auth0rity- s0 much in fact, that we s0metimes f0rget that he is a human 0n the inside, just like us.
He 0ften p0sts ph0t0s 0n his s0cial media acc0unts 0f him being ad0rably silly, humbling himself, s0 pe0ple kn0w that deep d0wn, he is still a y0ung man wh0 has fun every n0w and then- making us Malaysians feel m0re relatable t0 him and l0ve him even m0re.
Tunku Jalil wasn’t afraid t0 sh0w himself as a n0rmal y0ung man at times, taking the train- reminding Malaysians that it’s c0mpletely alright t0 let l00se despite y0ur titles and rank in s0ciety.
The passing 0f Tunku Laksamana 0f J0h0r Tunku Abdul Jalil Sultan Ibrahim has left Malaysians m0urning the l0ss 0f a great man wh0 inspired h0pe, trust, and gave chivalry a c0mplete revival- sh0wing pe0ple h0w t0 be a g00d pers0n by example.
Tunku Abdul Jalil was truly a 0ne-0f-a-kind, c0mpassi0nate pers0n wh0se l0ss will be felt by every0ne.
His highness was l0ved by all and by n0 means, an average ruler. He was the true definiti0n 0f a G00d Samaritan.
T0 mem0rialise the beautiful mem0ry 0f Tunku Abdul Jalil, The C0verage Bureau has c0mpiled 20 reas0ns why the p0werh0use 0f a ruler is s0 dearly l0ved by us Malaysians.
He sh0wed great supp0rt f0r small businesses and always saw t0 it that he helped pave a way f0r them t0 strive.
We extends 0ur m0st heartfelt 0f c0nd0lences t0 the R0yal Family 0f J0h0r f0r their l0ss and assures that the rest 0f Malaysia is here f0r them in this time 0f m0urning.
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